As of August 31 2004, I won't be able to use my faithful Palm VII as a wireless device. Turns out that, which provides wireless access from my Palm for email access and web clipping, will be shutting down forever. I guess there just aren't very many of us who continue to use older Palm devices, and there's definitely a push for us to give up the ka-ching for one of the newer models, who use the updated servers.
I may still upgrade to a Palm Tungsten, or some other wireless Palm. It's just the bother of making the switch. I'm sure the experience would be similar, and there would definitely be an advantage with the increased memory capacity. They're probably a lot faster accessing the web than my Palm VII. But I'm a creature of habit. I hate changing the way I do things.
Luckily, I'm able to transfer all of my info over to, who offers web email services at a discounted price for previous Palm users. So at lease I'll be able to get email even when I'm not at home (although I'll have to get to a desktop with internet access.) Also, until August 31, email sent to my previous address will get forwarded automatically.
I've been putting off getting a laptop for years, mostly because of the functionality of my Palm. Now I have to figure out if I want to but a Tungsten ($400 or so), or spend four times the money for a good laptop (that would be too big for me to use effectively on the go).
Decisions decisions.