I miss my mother's cooking. The last time we were together, before they left for the Philippines, I did get a chance to eat some egg rolls and pancit, but I haven't had either since.
I'd heard about a food truck that makes filipino food, and I have been stalking it for the past several months but never met up with them until a few days ago when I found out they make it to Paradise Valley Mall, just a few miles away, the second Thursday of the month.
The pancit and lumpia were excellent. Not as good as my mother's but I'll bet every filipino says that. The only problem we had was that it was just so damn hot that day (gotta love these Phoenician summers). I could feel my dark filipino skin getting a few shades darker by the minute. I watched roomie's Danish pale skin turn pink; it reminded me of the way you can watch shrimp turn pink after just a few seconds of steaming, poor thing.
I'm looking forward to the next Thursday that it's at the mall, about a month away.
As you can see, I've been pushing the watercolor paints around again. I've been using watercolor pencils rather than my pans. I love the portability, and the fact that I can either make marks using the pencils directly, or by just loading the color off the pencil onto my water brush and then applying to my journal. It's a very economic way to paint (I think I'm losing more color by sharpening my pencils than by actual strokes/marks), and uses much less water so my journal paper doesn't buckle as badly.