- We saw X-Men: First Class last week. For some reason, I was expecting Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen in it, at least for a little bit, CGI altered to appear younger. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender did an excellent job portraying Dr. Xavier and Magneto as young men. Their acting and the dramatic building of their relationship couldn't have been done any better had Captain Picard and Gandalf done the parts themselves. I normally would have been turned off by all of the character development, but I was entertained. And Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw served as a believable bad guy to balance out the heroes.
- We sometimes are a bit leary about watching new shows. We sometimes like them, and then they get cancelled. But we're taking a chance with AMC's The Killing. It's a murder mystery that takes place in Seattle. The lead characters, for whatever reason, remind me of Mulder and Scully from X-Files. Particularly the redheaded female detective (our nickname for her is SourPuss because she's always walking around with a scowl on her face). The show makes Seattle look dark and rainey, I think they're doing it on purpose through a blue filter; the sun hardly shines and it's rained in most of the episodes. Thankfully, it's been picked up for another season.