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March 12, 2009


Jennica Anderson

Hi there,

I am interested in what hospital you work at, just because I am happy to hear that a hospital in AZ has adopted Watson's theory. Would you be able to answer that?


Jennica Anderson, student nurse at Mesa Community College


Why the jean Watson's books are not available for on line readers?

Mark Lester F. Novelo

Good thing i have seen this blog.. I'm currently a trainee nurse and as part of our requirements we need to provide a presentation for our Continuous Quality Improvement. Our chosen title is about the Caring behaviors of nurses in that institution and we are planning to create an interpersonal model. It perfectly fits the theory of Jean Watson.. And you did a great job in presenting her work.. Thank you so much!!! God bless!

Sue Smith

I am in my MSN program and I need someone to breakdown Jean's theory inot theory development. The purpose, concepts, meannings etc. Also I have let ot find a exact defination to Watson's def. of caring.

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Great blog! The information you provide is quiet helpful, why I was not able to find it earlier. Anyways I’ve subscribed to your feeds, keep the good work up.

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Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

Deborah L Langley

Please tell me how incorporating Jean Watson's theory has impacted nursing in your facility. I am in my MSN program and doing a powerpoint. Need info as soon as possible thank you so much

Bishka Ravenel

My name is Bishka Ravenel. I work in
Behavioral Health at Memorial Wellness
University in Savannah, GA. They model
Jean Watson's caring Theory of nursing,
and are some familiar with her theory.

I graduated from the Center for Human Caring
in l997. FOr me, Jean Watson's Caring-Healing Theory reflects my own paradigm in
life..and an invitation for nurses to expand
in consciousness, not only to become a nurse
with standards of excellence, fostering the
true Art of nursing praxis, but to adopt
such values for living in the world, especially now, where we all are invited to
rise to higher levels of knowing, loving
and becoming.

I will be presenting Jean Watson's theory
for nurses' week. Your e-mail is inspiring
and I support networking such important
areas for excelling as nurses, and as
human beings.
Thank you
Bishka Ravenel RN

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