General bits:
- I've been watching the Godfather movies over the past couple of days (Godfather I was on AMC, now I'm working on II and III on Blu-Ray). Never realized before, not many strong female roles or role models in that movie. Women were basically furniture and/or window dressing. I'm about an hour into Part II, maybe they'll fix that... [Update: 6 hours later, and into the 3rd movie, Kay and Connie have emerged as pretty strong female roles].
- I'm thinking about the stimulus package... I think they should just directly put the money into folks that have lower credit scores -- say <600. I mean, folks with better scores will save/hoard the money for a rainey day. Lower credit score folks have already established a record for doing what is needed most -- spending money in an economic environment that is telling consumers to constrict spending. Even if they spend the stimulus money on paying off old debt, generally, they will take those zero balances and buy, well, shoes. Or Blu-rays. Or cars. Or big screen TVs. I don't think stimulus money will be very effective going for tax credits for buying new houses. Should the housing market continue to shrink, that will just put more folks behind the 8-ball. We need folks that will cash the check and immediately start spending, not try to get a loan. Just my opinion.
- It has been raining all day.