LadyKitty is still hanging in there, and actually seems to have made a fair recovery. We are still doing the subcutaneous fluids, but we've cut back to 200cc/100cc lactated Ringers every other day. The picture above was taken after her morning infusion. She actually does very well with the daily needle stick, and pretty much just lies there calmly. The green towel on her back is for the bit of fluid that leaks from her site after the infusion is over.
We're also still giving the Pepcid 5mg. Her appetite is much better now, and we no longer are feeding her baby food through a syringe.
Oh and we're still running netcams in front of the food bowls and the litter boxes so we can keep a record of her "I and O's" per se. She's been having some BM's, and by my reaction, you'd think she's shitting diamonds or pearls.