We've been giving LadyKitty subcutaneous fluids now for 4 days, and she seems to be getting better every day. We're still feeding her with a 10cc syringe, but we notice she's starting to sniff at the food bowl (but still turns her nose up at it).
God what I wouldn't give for Lady to have a bm. It's been at least a week, but the vet doesn't seem to be as worried and fixated on it as I am.
We plan on taking her back to the vet early next week for a check up. I'm dreading that he'll want us to give her enemas (I've read that on the internet quite a bit lately). But enemas are better news than some sort of bowel surgery.
We do notice that her energy level is higher. She still spends most of the day in the cabinet under the sink, but she comes out to visit us every few hours.
We'll just have to see how it goes.