Well, it's that time that our thoughts naturally turn to matters of wireless communication. Whenever there is a "new generation" of hardware, I look at the old stuff and see if there's really any usable difference.
There are times that I will spend the extra money on a new gadget, but I've (finally) gotten to the point where I just don't buy new stuff unless it gives me a measurable improvement. In my particular line of work (waiter airline steward chambermaid registered nurse) I just don't know how much real use a top of the line phone would be, that I don't already get with my old LG phone. I mean, I'm not doing that much wifi internet browsing while holding polite conversation with little old ladies perched on toilet seats, and I rarely need a google map to get to the code cart. And I wonder how well the iPhone would handle being swabbed down every day with this stuff.
The only real possibility that I've considered over the past couple of years is a Blackberry.
But then again, when at work, I'm not going to be able to check my stock charts, and I spend too much time reading and writing email as it is. And all those crevices seem very MRSA friendly.
Nope, it doesn't look like I'll be going for a phone upgrade this year. Neither the iPhone nor Blackberry look like they can take the lifestyle.