I've finished those damn evals. Thirty seven employees. Thirty seven evals. One hundred and eighty five comments (five open blocks per eval). Eighty percent received scores which will lead to a 3% raise. Twenty percent will get 4% raise. I figure it could make about $100/mo difference, before taxes.
One I turfed back to my clinical director, because I could not, for the life of me, come up with even one positive comment.
Yep. Sick and tired of evals, for another year.
I've been watching Heroes on TiVo. I watched a few episodes when it first premiered, but lost interest because the story line seemed silly. But my room mate loves it and when SciFi channel aired all of the episodes over a 24-hour period, I decided to give it a try. So now I'm hooked. I'm about 12 episodes away from the season finale that just aired last week. I could SO TOTALLY play the part of Hiro Nakamura.
I'm working the Memorial Day weekend.