Well, here we are again. Yearly evaluations. God I hate doing them, and every year, I consider the luxurious thought of giving up my role as charge nurse just so I don't have to go through it all again.
But this year, it should be a bit easier thanks to some planning I did last year. All of the numerical scores I saved on an Excel sheet so I just need to do some adjustments. And I saved all of my comments in a Word file so I can just change the wording around and then do a bunch of cut and paste.
But there's one spot where I can enter a general comment for the whole year, and these I have to hammer out individually, trying to home in on specific strengths. I like the fact that, no matter how low your scores might be (because you fight a lot, or you are late a lot, or call out sick a lot, or get a lot of complaints, whatever), the last thing you read before you sign is something nice, uplifting and positive.
Yes, it does seem the task gets more difficult with every passing year.
Ok some general things:
- Here's a list of all of the banned pet foods, and it's all on an easy-to-read Excel sheet! If you are a pet owner like I am, and if you've been spending an inordinate amount of time contemplating how many pee-balls are in your kittie's litterbox to make sure their kidneys are still working, then you will appreciate how well laid out this sheet is.
- And why did it take so long to recall? From yahoo:
Sundlof told the subcommittee he doesn't know what the company knew or when it knew it. But he told reporters last month that Menu Foods received complaints of cats dying on February 20. The company's own animals started dying in taste tests on March 2. The recall wasn't ordered until March 16. The FDA was notified only the day before.
- A good article which covers why the only power tool I own is a 10-year-old cordless Black-and-Decker Drill Driver. We use it to put prefab furniture together, and to change the filter in our air conditioner. Check out the X-ray.
- This is not happening in my family. All my nephews are boys (well duh, or they'd be neices).
- I've watched up to the last episode of Lost, and I still don't know what the heck is going on.
- A right AKA (above knee amputee) with a machine gun for a prosthetic... that sounded like a good idea in the Green Light room?
- We know he is the father... but I personally was holding out for Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband.