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April 17, 2006



While I am aware of no studies to confirm this suspicion, I am convinced that nurse satisfaction has a far greater impact on any given hospital's bottom line than patient satisfaction.

Like you, eric, I often find myself rooting for the bull, but I stop short at rooting for the shark in "Jaws." That would be almost as bad as cheering for the Yankees.


I love tax day...

As usual, I have my federal worked out pretty well, and got some back, but not very much.. (I'd rather have it to spend all year). I just can't get the dang state levels right. I owed the dang state almost $300 this year, so it got mailed late this afternoon...

My review should be interesting this year, with all of the director changes (we lost another one, if you didn't hear)... That combined with my leaving for the ED this week, should combine for some unusual "evaluating"

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