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December 14, 2005



I'm thinking of reading through them all. Did you ever see the animated version, back in the 70's? I seem to remember that it did the book justice, and the sacrifice scene even in animated form really got to me.

The last scene was not really a huge deal. Nothing like waking up with Bob Newhart and Suzanne Pleshette and realizing it was all a dream... cool none-the-less since we were the only ones to see it.


We all saw it Sunday and uniformly loved it.

I read it 1st when I was an adult, actually, then read it aloud with the young one. Well, 4 of the 7, anyways. We're presently sidetracked into the Erin Hunter cat warrior books.

Rats! We left right at the credits cuz the little ones had to head for the W.C. But may be we'll go see it again anyways.

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