Here's a link to an article about Daniel Radcliffe (of Harry Potter fame) working on a low-budget film in Australia.
I really thought he was older than 16. He has a pretty mature take on his career, and that he has to come up with projects as un-Harry as possible when he's not doing Harry Potter films. He also mentions that not only does he have to do some good acting, but the public has to be willing to accept him in a non-Harry role.
If he manages to do it, he won't have much company. I can really think of only one child actor -- Jodie Foster -- that has done truly well as an adult. I know there have been others, but just sitting here, she's the only one I can remember off hand.
This is one of those rare links with a picture of Radcliffe sans glasses and wild spaghetti hair.
Drew Barrymore and Ricky Schroeder come to mind, but that's all I can think of right now.
Seems like child actors have a low career-survival rate.
Posted by: shrimplate | December 03, 2005 at 07:15 AM