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October 03, 2005



John: I am hoping all of the hoop-la is from folks that "complain because someone else would probably complain." I see a lot of that in nursing. I can hardly wait for Pap Smear Month. I guess my plans for running around passing out paychecks gripped by a vaginal speculum are on hold :-( (You Know They'd Laugh!!)


Yeah, I was pretty amazed when we all got the email with the apology from the CEO for being "uncaring" about sending out "pink slips"...

God I hate political correctness!!


Maria: I find that most men want sex, not babies. And this latest offer involved a turkey baster :-)

shrimplate: I'm glad it turned out benign! (and did you ever find your glasses? :-)


Years ago my spouse had to have a small benign lump removed from her right breast. I had mentioned to the (female, as it so happened) surgeon doing the removal that I myself had made the discovery.

The surgeon asked me how I had found it. I told her that I had dropped my eyeglasses and was looking for them.

Ba-da Boom!


Do you know HOW MANY MEN wish they were in your position?!

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