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October 07, 2005



I thought your interview went well, and you didn't sound terribly nervous. I liked the idea about bloggers using their blogs to review their mental processes that day, and how blogging could open the author to a wider variety of responses to situations. Kent should have concentrated more on the emotive style of your writing, because I think that's the draw for physicians that write blogs (you and Examining Room of Dr. Charles are the best examples I can think of). I think this type of writing can help bridge the gap between physicians and a public that continually thinks of physicians as fee-for-service peddlers. They forget physicians have to live through it too.


Hey, thanks for the link. ;) Someone sent me an e-mail about my Podcast and stated that I have a voice for radio. My first thought was, "And I've got a face for radio, too." ;)

I'm still on dial-up, too, and it might be easier to download the mp3 file first and then play it later. It takes less time.

And that two-part question bit--yeah. We're specifically taught in psychiatry residency to avoid those "compound" questions for that exact reason. ;)

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