I have found that, unlike years previous, I really don't like lifting weights that much. I have a hard time getting motivated to go through it. I do like the effect it has, but I only work up the motivation to go about once a week, when my original plan was to go twice a week (and most literature suggests four days a week, working one split -- one section/half of the body -- twice a week).
I also have been eating more. I hope it's just a phase, but my appetite can be really difficult to control. Some of it is that, over the past 2-3 weeks, very suddenly, I doubled the amount of time on the eliptical machine from 30 minutes/day to 60. I'm craving more protein (breakfast has gone from Special K cereal or sometimes a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich to a chicken breast with some pasta). I believe in listening to one's body cravings, and most of the literature encourages increasing protein intake to 1 gram for every pound of body weight, so at 150 pounds I think am still taking in less than half of that. Also, I'm thinking that too much protein in my diet will aggravate my gout.
I'm starting to gain an appreciation for why there are so many nutrition supplement ads in these muscle mags I read. I'm starting to read them. I know eventually I'm going to get the idea in my head to use some of them.
I just looked up the new food pyramid (didn't realize they changed it)... much more complicated now, and it seems it will make me fat. If I had to guess, I'm taking in about 50-60% of the recommended diet for my age and activity level.
At MyPyramid.gov, they have a caluclator in the upper right corner where you can enter you age, sex, and activity level and it spits out a page of your suggested intake leves.
Here's the URL for my information: (I don't think it will click, i think you have to cut/paste and get it up tot thr URL line;
I've spend the morning digesting all these data, and have decided to make a breakfast of speical k cerial, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Posted by: Eric | October 09, 2005 at 09:28 AM
very normal, I am one of those that cannot function on cereal alone in the morning, i'm pretty much starving about an hour after eating if that's all i have.
Protein in general such as cream cheese, yogurt or some form of meat with a little carbs is the way to go in the morning imo.
Have you seen the new food pyramid? its pretty intense and much more complicated than before.
Posted by: Karen | October 08, 2005 at 07:11 AM