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October 07, 2005



I just looked up the new food pyramid (didn't realize they changed it)... much more complicated now, and it seems it will make me fat. If I had to guess, I'm taking in about 50-60% of the recommended diet for my age and activity level.

At MyPyramid.gov, they have a caluclator in the upper right corner where you can enter you age, sex, and activity level and it spits out a page of your suggested intake leves.

Here's the URL for my information: (I don't think it will click, i think you have to cut/paste and get it up tot thr URL line;


I've spend the morning digesting all these data, and have decided to make a breakfast of speical k cerial, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.



very normal, I am one of those that cannot function on cereal alone in the morning, i'm pretty much starving about an hour after eating if that's all i have.

Protein in general such as cream cheese, yogurt or some form of meat with a little carbs is the way to go in the morning imo.

Have you seen the new food pyramid? its pretty intense and much more complicated than before.

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