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August 01, 2005



I usually work as a floor nurse, oh, about twice a month. But these have been extra shifts, and the other night shift charge nurse is on duty. Saturday night was the first time I've done both with a full load of patients. I think it's important to do bedside care, just so you know what you're talking about when you have an opinion, or need to make a judgement call. Also, I had been experiencing these weird feelings of late, that I have allowed myself to be too distanced from my patients, so it probably was something that needed to happen. The reason I say this is that, due to our summer period of lower census, my extra shifts have been canceled, so I might not get a chance to do bedside nursing until the end of the summer.


My hat is off to you for doing that. I am sure your staff nurses really appreciated it. If someone did that for me, I think I would consider reciprocating by taking an extra patient or two. Not the one that got the ride out to ICU, though!


whoa! charge nurse with five patients? you almost sound like a superman to me:) our charge nurses will never be able to pull that off. one patient on top of being the charge always freaks them out, you think it is the end of the world! i know it is hard though, so i'm glad everything went well.

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