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August 22, 2005



Reader: Ha Ha, very funny :-)

Maria: You know, people ask about what I'm doing, but I still look the same to me. The only difference so far is that my hair is more black than it ever was before I colored it. I'll probably wait until I really see a difference and update my photo.

Karen: I do need to make sure I don't overdo it, because of that really old injury to my right shoulder 10 years ago. Going to the gym really does feel like it did back before nursing school; I just need to remember I'm 10 years older now. Oh, and my indulgences include Ramen (how the Hell they pack 8 grams of fat in each package is an absolute mystery to me), putting margarine on bread, and peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches.


Glad to see your hair dye, cold cream, eliptical & multi hip machine are showing some rewards... I know you don't need to hear it again, but remember, slow and steady wins this race, don't progress to crazy pyramiding or whatever if the workout/skin care regimen you have going for you continues showing some results... I don't want to hear about how you hurt something on the cable machine or the smith machine from overloading.

You're at the point where those healthy habits can sort of tempt your devil side. We all have them, (my personal passion is for chocolate chip cookies and instant foods like mac and cheese). Stick with it and even if you do have a cookie once in awhile don't beat yourself up over it or fall off the fitness wagon :). Sounds like you're doing great and that's good to hear!


So when are you gonna post a photo of the Facelifted You so we can ogle, too? :)

A Reader

Are you sure you got all the Ponds Cold Cream off your face? :-)

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