We went to see The Fantastic Four yesterday.
- Some guy on Headline News gave it really low ratings due to there being no plot. But there was a plot. The problem was that they spent WAY too much time developing the characters.
- Superhero costumes are getting tighter and tighter. I figure the next superhero movie, when the person in charge of costumes shows up on the set, she'll be carrying a box of different colored spray paint. I almost felt sorry for the actors to have to wear that stuff. Sexy isn't the word. Try Clinical.
- The acting was horrible. The movie totally existed for the special effects.
- The guy that played Doom (the bad guy) looks like the guy on Bravo with the reality show based on hair stylists. In fact, I thought it really was that guy from the reality show.
I watched Chronicles of Riddick on TiVo. That scene where they break out of that prison on Crematoria? that planet where, when the sun came up, it temperature hit 850 degrees? Phoenix is like that these days. Anyway, it was a good movie, and hope they keep making them. The uniforms/armor were better too.