Here's a link to an online productivity site called 43 Folders. It's based on a book called Getting Things Done, which is devoted to becoming more efficient in achieving one's goals (that's a gross oversimplification that will probably get me more hate email).
I'm pretty efficient already, or at least as efficient as I need to be where I'm at in Life. Especially considering my line of work (nursing), I'll never be criticized by anyone at work who needs me to be more productive or efficient (a prideful statement I can stand beside, believe me). So I haven't really been able to implement anything new reading this site. But the site sent me to, (it took me a few days to figure it out, but it spells delicious). This is a site where you can store all of your saved bookmarks.
The nice thing is that you can access this list from any computer. It also has automated the bookmarking process so that, when you find an interesting site, you click on a button on your Links Bar, and bam, it's on your list.
The really neat thing is that organizes your bookmarks according to tags, or keywords. You can assign multiple tags to a site, so that you can find a site listed in multiple ways. So if you've ever wondered what folder to place a bookmark in, those days are over. You can use as many tags as you want, and you can find that site by remembering any one of the tags you used.
The list you create is not private. When you look at your list, you will get links to other users who also have that site bookmarked, and you can go look at that person's list of bookmarks. Or, you can click on the tag name, and you'll get a list of folks that are using that tag, and see what others have saved under that tag. At the home page, you can see a list of the most popular sites, and a list of universal tags (which you may or may not decide to use -- you can use your own tags, and form a hierarchy according to your own needs.) Others who have bookmarked the same site as one of the sites on your list will find links to your list when they look at their own. What I'm saying is, if some of your sites have titles like "" or "", you might not want to put that on your list.
Here's a link to my "delicious list." If you're site is on it, please don't freak out at whatever tag/tags I've assigned to your site. So no email that "my site is really a personal site, not a professional one" or silly crap like that. I'm only now starting to get the whole "tags" thing under my belt. Right now, I use it as a place to store sites that I want to link to in some future blog entry, as well as keep up with all of the blogs I read.
I don't see how you can make a private list of links. Thus, it will never totally replace private bookmarks. I also think it would be useful if a group of users could have access to a common list of private tags, so that an organization can share information found on the web without having to link via email (or checking on each other's blogs). But so far, it's a completely public system. Maybe this group utility is something the creators of the site are working on.